Thursday, November 24, 2011

Review on the way!

Okay, so I haven't posted in a while. Why? BECAUSE I'VE BEEN PLAYING NOTHING BUT SKYWARD SWORD! And family came in for Thanksgiving, so sue me (don't really). Anyway, I've almost completed Skyward Sword (I think) and so I'm also that bit closer to a review (yes, I know the fate of mankind rests on this review). I can't fully review this game until I complete it, and thus know the story. Once I do, I will review and review it hard. So prepare yourself. In other news, I now have a twitter account. Follow me, I'm CPainter307. It's a bummer that Thanksgiving break is coming to a close, it's zoomed by at the speed of light if it had an invincibility star (don't know where I was going there). So prepare yourself. Prepare...

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Here's where YOU can tell ME what you think! I'm really hoping this is a good idea. Because if I get to much negativity...