Saturday, January 1, 2011

Movie Review! TRON: Legacy

Even though it's New Year's Day, I don't think i'm gonna do any special "New Year's Resolution" post. I've been dying to do a review on TRON: Legacy. So here we go. My first responce to seeing trailers to TRON was, "Oh my goodness. TRON 2!!!!" I was super excited. TRON (1982) was one of my favorite movies and this movie looked sweet! And then I went to see it. And here is my opinion. The movie itself was very good. The plot was allitle weak, but had some interesting twists. And the special effects, INCREDIBLE! Best special effects i've ever seen! The actors were pretty good. Jeff Bridges really added a touch of comedy to the mix. As for the 3D, here's the thing. 3D has been ruined. There are no good 3D moves anymore. There are just movies where you put on 3D glasses. I remember when you had the red and blue glasses and every other scene someone was stretching their hand at the camera or throwing something at you or litterally jumping out of the frame. Nowadays, you might get that in one scene. If at all. (The best 3D I have ever seen was on my trip to Walt Disney World. It was called, "Mickey's Philhar Magic.") As for TRON, it had a few good 3D moments, but overall, it would have been just as good without it. I give it
And there you have it. As for seeing it. SEE IT! You really need to see it! Great movie! Just have fun. Good movie.

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Here's where YOU can tell ME what you think! I'm really hoping this is a good idea. Because if I get to much negativity...